Gastón Abril Rotger
[240/365] Ella
[239/365] 🍣🍣🍣🍣
[238/365] 🚪🚪⛲️🚪🚪
[221/365] Esta foto fue sacada con flash.
[220/365] Totito
[219/365] Palomas
[160/365] When the I-1 battery is low (3 or fewer ring flash LEDs light up), then the red LED power indicator will blink on and off and the flash will no longer work. TAKE TWO ¬¬
[145/365] O_o
[141/365] Ruteando
[140/365] Bragado
[139/365] When the I-1 battery is low (3 or fewer ring flash LEDs light up), then the red LED power indicator will blink on and off and the flash will no longer work. ¬¬
[135/365] Remote Trigger: Check ¬¬
[133/365] Probando la cámara toma II
[132/365] Vení que pruebo la cámara nueva